Jom semua... kita join contest dari Scrapaperclip
Owner blog tu namanya Farah Diyana.

Cane nak join contest tu? Senang sangattt... :)
1. Be a follower.
2. Copy my button (on your right side button not the poster =)) and put it on your sidebar.
2. Copy my button (on your right side button not the poster =)) and put it on your sidebar.
3. Spread this news in your blog post title Scrapaperclip Giveaway Anniversary. Simple one will do..No need to write so much. Quick and simple to link your post to mine so that others can participate too.
4. Leave comment here with your link of the post and email address easier for me to notify the winner later.
Then.. apa hadiahnya? Saya suka hadiah nya sebab sangat cute :)
A5 Size Mini Wedding Signage
saya suka.. saya sukaa sangat..
gudluck dear.. vote for me..hehe=P